HIPAA Compliant

SMS-iT is 100% HIPAA compliant. As part of our commitment to safeguarding sensitive data, we adhere to the stringent requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Ensuring HIPAA Compliance with SMS-iT CRM

At SMS-iT, we understand the critical importance of maintaining the privacy and security of protected health information (PHI). As part of our commitment to safeguarding sensitive data, we adhere to the stringent requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Our HIPAA Compliance Agreement outlines the responsibilities and protocols we follow to ensure your data is protected at all times.

HIPAA Compliance Agreement

1390 Market Street, STE 200, San Francisco, CA 94102, United States



Party B: SMS-iT
Address: 1390 Market Street, STE 200, San Francisco, CA 94102, United States
Contact: Email: [email protected] | Tel: 1-650-488-9899

1. Purpose and Scope

1.1 This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which Party B, acting as a Business Associate, shall receive, use, disclose, and maintain PHI on behalf of Party A, acting as a Covered Entity, as defined in HIPAA.

2. Definitions

2.1 "Covered Entity," "Business Associate," and "Protected Health Information (PHI)" have the meanings ascribed to them in HIPAA.

3. Obligations of Party B (Business Associate)

3.1 Party B shall not use or disclose PHI other than as permitted or required by this Agreement or as required by law.

3.2 Party B shall use appropriate safeguards to prevent the use or disclosure of PHI other than as provided for by this Agreement.

3.3 Party B shall report to Party A any use or disclosure of PHI not provided for by this Agreement.

4. Permitted Uses and Disclosures by Party B

4.1 Party B may use or disclose PHI to perform functions, activities, or services for, or on behalf of, Party A as specified in this Agreement.

5. Security Safeguards

5.1 Party B shall implement administrative, physical, and technical safeguards that reasonably and appropriately protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic PHI.

6. Reporting of Security Incidents

6.1 Party B shall report to Party A any security incident involving PHI of which it becomes aware.

7. Subcontractors

7.1 Party B shall ensure that any subcontractors it engages to perform services that involve the use or disclosure of PHI agree to the same restrictions and conditions that apply to Party B with respect to such information.

8. Access to PHI

8.1 Party B shall make available PHI in a designated record set to Party A as necessary to satisfy Party A’s obligations under the HIPAA Privacy Rule.

9. Mitigation of Harm

9.1 Party B shall assist Party A in mitigating any harmful effect that is known to Party B of a use or disclosure of PHI by Party B in violation of the requirements of this Agreement.

10. Termination

10.1 In the event of termination of this Agreement, Party B shall return or destroy all PHI received from Party A, or created or received by Party B on behalf of Party A.

11. Miscellaneous

11.1 This Agreement may not be amended except in writing signed by both parties.

12. Governing Law

12.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of California.

Commitment to HIPAA Compliance

At SMS-iT, we prioritize your privacy and security, implementing comprehensive measures to comply with HIPAA standards. Our services, including SMS messaging, email automation, and social messaging integration, are designed to support your business needs while ensuring the highest level of data protection.

For any questions or further information about our HIPAA compliance practices, please contact us at [email protected] or 1-650-488-9899. We are here to help you navigate the complexities of HIPAA compliance and provide you with secure and reliable CRM solutions.

We’ve Got Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SMS-iT?

SMS-iT is an all-encompassing platform that includes SMS-iT CRM and a diverse ecosystem of 22+ Smart Tools, all powered by advanced AI. These tools cover a wide array of functionalities, from lead acquisition and nurturing to sales management and client retention.

Additionally, SMS-iT offers unique features like simcard integration with warming technology, specialized pipeline automation, and an ecosystem of 30 SMS gateways. The platform's strength lies in its ability to revolutionize customer engagement through cutting-edge technology and automation. With SMS-iT, businesses can scale faster, save costs, and stay ahead in an ever-evolving market.

What is SMS-iT CRM?

SMS-iT is a semi-sentient communication focused CRM for sales and marketing. SMS-iT CRM is an all-in-one system designed for infinite growth, providing a comprehensive suite of tools for lead acquisition, client nurturing, sales management, and client retention. It offers more than 50 sales and marketing tools, including built-in artificial intelligence, unlimited calling and texting, smart inbox with messaging channels, funnel and site builder, social media planner, appointment booking system, and much more.

Additionally, SMS-iT CRM stands out with features like SIM card integration, advanced AI capabilities for messaging and marketing, an ecosystem of 30 SMS gateways, and blockchain and IoT capabilities. This platform is tailored to help businesses scale faster and save costs on their monthly software expenses.

SMS-iT is like having an all-in-one supercharged CRM. It uses AI to handle everything from marketing and sales to messaging and calling, across multiple channels. It’s as if you combined the best features of Salesforce, GHL, and Flowtrack into a single, powerhouse platform. And this is just the beginning – once we unleash our full range of features, you’ll witness a CRM that’s truly in a league of its own.

What is SMS-iT's Business Model?

SMS-iT is revolutionizing the way small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) manage their sales and marketing efforts with its cutting-edge Semi-Sentient communication focused CRM. Here's a detailed business model outlining its key components and value proposition:

Target Market: SMS-iT primarily targets SMBs across various industries who are seeking to streamline their sales and marketing processes and achieve sustainable growth.

Comprehensive Suite of Tools: SMS-iT offers an extensive suite of over 50 sales and marketing tools, including lead acquisition, client nurturing, sales management, and client retention features. This all-in-one platform caters to the diverse needs of SMBs, eliminating the need for multiple fragmented solutions.

Artificial Intelligence Integration: SMS-iT leverages built-in artificial intelligence to automate and optimize various aspects of sales and marketing. From personalized messaging to predictive analytics, AI enhances efficiency and effectiveness across the CRM platform.

Multi-Channel Communication: The CRM provides seamless integration with various communication channels, including unlimited calling and texting, smart inbox with messaging channels, and social media planner. This enables SMBs to engage with their leads and clients through their preferred channels, enhancing customer experience.

Advanced Features: SMS-iT stands out with advanced features such as SIM card integration, blockchain, and IoT capabilities. These features enable businesses to leverage emerging technologies for enhanced communication, security, and automation.

Scalability and Cost Efficiency: SMS-iT is designed for infinite growth, allowing businesses to scale their operations without worrying about outgrowing their CRM system. Moreover, by consolidating multiple tools into a single platform and offering competitive pricing plans, SMS-iT helps SMBs save costs on their monthly software expenses.

Ecosystem Integration: The CRM seamlessly integrates with a network of 30 SMS gateways, ensuring reliable and efficient communication with leads and clients. This ecosystem approach enhances connectivity and accessibility for SMBs, regardless of their geographic location or communication preferences.

Unique Value Proposition: SMS-iT combines the best features of leading CRM platforms like Salesforce, GHL, and Flowtrack, offering SMBs a comprehensive and supercharged solution for their sales and marketing needs. With continuous innovation and the promise of unleashing additional features, SMS-iT aims to establish itself as the premier CRM platform for SMBs.

Customer Support and Training: SMS-iT provides robust customer support and training resources to ensure that SMBs can maximize the value of the CRM platform. From onboarding assistance to ongoing technical support, SMS-iT is committed to helping its customers succeed in their sales and marketing endeavors.

Overall, SMS-iT's business model revolves around empowering SMBs with a state-of-the-art CRM solution that combines advanced technology, comprehensive features, scalability, and cost efficiency. By catering to the unique needs of SMBs and delivering exceptional value, SMS-iT aims to drive growth and success for its customers while establishing itself as a leader in the CRM market.

What are the available Smart Tools in SMS-iT CRM?

We currently have 22+ Smart Tools in SMS-iT CRM, which includes:
1. Auto Responders: These are automated responses that can be triggered based on specific keywords, actions, or time triggers. They help provide instant replies to messages, ensuring quick customer engagement.

2. Auto Responder Chatbot: This is an automated chatbot that interacts with users based on predefined rules and algorithms. It can handle various tasks and inquiries without human intervention.

3. Birthday SMS Wishes: This feature allows businesses to automatically send personalized birthday wishes to their customers via SMS. It's a thoughtful way to engage and build rapport with customers.

4. Blogger: This tool likely allows for the creation and management of blog content, which can be integrated with your CRM system for marketing purposes.

5. Contests: This feature enables you to run competitions or giveaways, engaging your audience and potentially increasing brand awareness or customer loyalty.

6. Contracts: This feature could involve the management and tracking of business contracts, ensuring that all parties involved adhere to the agreed-upon terms.

7. Fundraising Kiosk: This tool facilitates collecting donations or funds through a digital kiosk or platform, making it convenient for supporters to contribute to a cause.

8. GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer): GPT is an AI model known for its advanced natural language processing capabilities. In this context, it may be used to enhance communication and interactions with customers.

9. Kiosk Builder: This tool likely allows you to design and create interactive kiosk interfaces, which can be used for various purposes like information dissemination, surveys, or collecting feedback.

10. Loyalty Programs: This feature enables businesses to implement and manage loyalty programs, where customers are rewarded for their repeat business or other specified actions.

11. Mobile Coupons: This allows you to distribute coupons or special offers to customers via mobile devices, providing an incentive for them to make a purchase or take a specific action.

12. Mobile Page Builder: This tool helps you design and create mobile-friendly web pages. These pages can be optimized for various purposes, such as product promotions, event information, or lead generation.

13. NON-GSM Character Checker: This is likely a tool that helps verify and manage characters that may not be compatible with GSM networks, ensuring that messages are delivered accurately.

14. Polls: This feature enables you to create and distribute polls or surveys to your audience, gathering valuable feedback or data for market research.

15. Q&A SMS Bots: This involves using automated bots to engage with customers and provide answers to their questions via SMS, enhancing customer support and service.

16. QR Codes: QR codes are scannable barcodes that can be used to direct users to specific online content, such as websites, apps, or promotional materials.

17. Short Links: These are condensed versions of URLs that redirect users to specific web pages. They are useful for sharing concise, easy-to-remember links.

18. Sites: This likely refers to the ability to create and manage websites or landing pages within the CRM system, providing a platform for online presence and engagement.

- Funnel: The funnel represents the stages a customer goes through before making a purchase or taking a desired action. It typically includes stages like awareness, consideration, and conversion. This tool helps design and track customer journeys through various stages.
- Website: This tool involves the creation and management of websites within the CRM system. It allows businesses to have an online presence where they can provide information, showcase products or services, and engage with their audience.
- Blogs: This tool allows for the creation and management of blog content. Blogs are a way to share informative and engaging content with your audience, which can help drive traffic to your website and establish your brand as an authority in your industry.
- Membership: This tool allow you to create and manage membership programs or areas within your website. This can be used for exclusive content, special offers, or community engagement with your loyal customers.
- Forms: Forms are interactive elements on a website where visitors can input information. This tool allows you to create and customize forms for various purposes such as lead generation, contact forms, surveys, and more.
- Surveys: This tool enables you to create and distribute surveys to your audience. Surveys are useful for gathering feedback, conducting market research, and understanding customer preferences.
- Chat Widget: The chat widget is a small interface element on a website that allows visitors to engage in real-time chat with a representative. It provides an instant way for visitors to get answers to their questions or receive assistance. It is powered by AI, and you can train the AI using Text, Website URL, Chat Logs, User Feedback and Industry-Specific Knowledge.
- URL Redirects: This tool allows you to manage the redirection of URLs. It means that when a user tries to access a specific URL, you can configure it to redirect them to another page or website. This can be used for various purposes like rebranding, tracking campaigns, or ensuring a smooth user experience.

19. Social Planner: This tool helps schedule and manage social media posts and campaigns, ensuring consistent and strategic communication across various platforms.

20. Text To Win (Sweepstakes): This feature allows you to run text message-based sweepstakes or contests, where participants can enter by sending a specific keyword via SMS.

21. Video Ads: This involves the creation and distribution of video advertisements, which can be used to promote products, services, or events to a wider audience.

22. Web Sign-up Widget: This widget likely provides a user-friendly way for visitors to your website to sign up for newsletters, promotions, or other forms of communication, helping you capture leads and build your customer base.

What is the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) for SMS-iT CRM?

At SMS-iT CRM, we redefine the landscape of Customer Relationship Management with a suite of unprecedented features and capabilities that set us apart from the competition. Here's why SMS-iT CRM is the unrivaled choice for modern businesses:

1. Simcard Integration with Warming Technology: Our cutting-edge simcard integration with warming technology ensures seamless communication, providing a superior edge in customer engagement.

2. AI Integration for Messaging and Marketing: Our AI isn't just powerful; it's trainable across various data sources including Website Text, Chat Logs, User Feedback, Industry Specific Data, YouTube, PDFs, Sitemaps, DOC files, Code Docs, and Notion. This means your AI gets smarter and more attuned to your business.

3. Comprehensive Suite of Smart Tools: With over 22 smart tools powered by AI, we offer an extensive toolkit to streamline your operations, from messaging to analytics, ensuring efficiency at every turn.

4. Appointment AI Bot: Our AI Bot revolutionizes appointment scheduling, ensuring seamless coordination between your team and clients, reducing friction in the booking process.

5. Specialized Pipeline Automation: Tailored to your industry, our automation processes optimize your sales pipelines, maximizing conversions and revenue.

6. Wide Ecosystem of 30 SMS Gateways: We provide unparalleled access to a network of 30 SMS gateways, ensuring reliable and swift message delivery to your audience.

7. Smart Analytics for Informed Decision-Making: Leverage our smart analytics to gain deep insights into customer behavior and engagement patterns, empowering you to make data-driven decisions.

8. AI Recommendation Page: Our AI interprets data intelligently, presenting actionable recommendations that drive your business forward.

9. Staff AI: Augment your team's capabilities with Staff AI, an AI-powered virtual assistance, enhancing productivity and responsiveness.

10. iOT Capability: Seamlessly integrate with IoT devices for a connected experience that amplifies customer engagement.

11. Blockchain Capability: Secure your data and transactions with our blockchain integration, ensuring utmost trust and transparency in your operations.

12. Omnichannel Messaging and Marketing in the Metaverse : Stay at the forefront of technology by expanding your outreach to the metaverse, ensuring your brand is where your audience is.

13. Geo Location Marketing : Pinpoint your target audience based on their geographical location, delivering hyper-targeted marketing messages for maximum impact.

In a crowded CRM market, SMS-iT CRM stands tall with its unparalleled combination of technology, customization, and innovation. Elevate your customer relationships with the CRM that leads the way into the future. Choose SMS-iT CRM today.

Can SMS-iT Integrate Into GHL?

Yes. We’ve built a robust integration that allows users to integrate their SIM cards and choose from 8 other gateways to send SMS from within the GHL platform.

Is using a SIM card legal?
Absolutely. Our platform is 100% compliant with all TCPA laws. This includes the use of SIM cards. All sim cards come with the 10DLC already registered the second you leave the carrier store.
Can I have support transferring from my old CRM to the SMS-iT platform?
In the very near future, yes, as soon as we complete 100% of our features, you’ll be able to do this. You’ll have access to chat and email support with our team of onboarding experts, who will not only help you transfer to SMS-iT but continue to support you as long as you’re here! Within the next 120 days, we expect to be complete.
Is there any catch with the free trial of SMS-iT?
Nope. No catch here. We only require you to put in your credit card, but it won’t be charged until the day after your free trial expires. We require a credit card to prevent fraud and misuse of our CRM system.
How regularly is the software being updated?
Every week. The CEO & Founder of the company is a full-stack software developer himself and has dedicated himself and our team of developers to ensure we are consistently improving our product and services.
Will SMS-iT provide sub-accounts?
Yes, each sub-account will be $20.
Can I have multiple SIM cards and gateways in my main account without having to purchase extra sub-accounts?

Yes. It only costs $10 bucks per additional SIM card and additional gateway. So if you wanted to rotate 5 sim cards. It would be an extra $50 per month, and that also includes 5 extra gateways.